Reviews and Testimonials
At AV Edge, our community of customers and advocates is at the heart of everything we do. With over 15 years of development and 20,000+ loyal customers, our EF Technology products are designed to support energy, focus, and vitality by protecting people, horses, and dogs from the potentially negative effects of EMFs. While results may vary, many people have shared incredible stories of how our wristbands, horse patches and horse pastern wraps, dog patches, and Protect Filters have made a positive impact on their lives.
Explore the reviews below to hear directly from those who’ve experienced the performance benefits proven in Dr Mark Bull PHD Study as well as the health and well-being improvements that many of our customers report. From equestrians and golfers to pet owners and wellness seekers, see how AV Edge could make a difference for you too. Alternatively, discover Who Uses AV Edge, read their stories in our Edge Insights Blog, and learn How AV Edge Works.
“My son was working with horses and suffered a few broken bones. He found that his band helped him with balance etc. He did quite a bit of research before he invested in his first one. I suffer from an under-active thyroid that affects my energy levels, and I thought it worth trying the band [AV Edge Legend] to see if it improved any of the symptoms. I do find that it helps a bit with balance and my level of fatigue.” - Judith - Health and Well-being
"I purchased my first Mojo band at HOYS in 2017 and haven’t been without one since. I have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, which affects my balance, joint stability, sleep, and energy levels. After trying the balance test, I was amazed at the immediate difference—I felt more stable than ever before. As a horse rider and former dancer, balance was a major challenge, but the wristbands have significantly improved my stability, pain levels, and overall well-being. I no longer suffer from daily headaches, my sleep has improved, and even my travel sickness has reduced. I always call it my miracle band because it helps with whatever issue flares up. I also use the horse patches to improve my horse’s balance and mindset when traveling—with great success! My whole family now wears AV Edge wristbands, and we’ve all felt the benefits, from pain relief to improved mobility. I wouldn’t be without one!" - Paige Roberts - Equestrian, Horse
“Its truly amazing, the reduction in wrist pain I suffer with is of the charts, great product.” - Paul Godding - Golf Pro
“My partner and I attended a horse show in late 2016 and there was a Mojo stand there. I think she bought a band to use on her dressage horse’s bridle. I have arthritis in my knees and at the time was finding it painful to walk up and down the stairs. I am very active so this was incredibly frustrating. She bought me a band for Christmas that year and after wearing it for a couple of weeks, I found that it pretty much stopped the pain I was experiencing. I have bought a new band when they needed replacing so have worn one ever since. I was able to start hiking again, and in 2019, I completed the Welsh 3 Peaks. I live at the bottom of the highest hill in Gloucestershire and hike up to the top most days after work. My knees can hurt a little on the way down, but it is manageable. I am so grateful for the help that the band has given me.” - Wendy - Health and Well-being
“The AV Edge is awesome. Been wearing it for about two weeks and can feel the difference” - Brendon De Jonge - Golf Pro, PGA Tour player
“Balance is definitely better. Sleeping soundly 😂😂 ” - Anders Forsbrand - Golf Pro
“I have back problems. I started wearing them [wristbands] years ago and still do 24/7. They definitely help with my strength and balance. I'm now 60 and never take it off.” - Fiona - Health and Well-being
“I used them [horse patches] on a young horse years ago and was convinced they helped him with strength and balance. He was a big horse and was plagued with overall weakness issues. Just things you couldn't quite put your finger on if you know what I mean. I think they help keep you on the right side of that thin line.” - Fiona - Horse
“I haven’t got around to the balance test just yet as there has been a lot going on! Thank you so much for mentioning the wristband to me. I really do think that it’s that that has improved my sleep and anxiety isn’t as bad. I have struggled for so long so thank you so much. I’m really grateful ☺. I feel a bit more ‘with it’ if that makes sense. I wear the [AV Edge Legend] wristband all the time. Thank you so much.” - Vitina - Health and Well-being
“The dog in question had tried medication from the vet with no improvement whatsoever, even on a short journey. I decided to attach the patch from the horse's bridle onto her collar, the result was fantastic so I bought the special collar version [Mojo Dog Patch] and we have never looked back. I've used them on 2 other dogs, 1 of mine and a friend's (all Pointers), they have revolutionised travelling for all of them. I told my vets what had made such a huge difference and, as you can imagine, they were sceptical, but couldn't deny that they seemed to be working. I'm taking a bitch on quite a long journey to be mated so I thought I'd invest in a new one.” - Helen - Dog
“My spotty horse has definitely improved so much her leg has stopped swelling and she is moving normally. I'm very pleased. I have told all my horse friends tonight about the pastern wraps etc.” - Jo - Horse
“I have neck issues - I have cervical spondylosis, which is basically neck arthritis. I was diagnosed with this in my late 30’s, for me I am sure it was caused by falling off horses, as I am quite a forward rider I always fall head first which puts pressure on my neck. It was only diagnosed following a scan, I basically fell off and was badly concussed and therefore scans were carried out. I never really got any pain from my neck despite the diagnosis until my mid 40’s and then it would be bad in winter months and I would take pain killers everyday. It was a dull pain and my head felt too heavy for my neck, it was horrible. So then I was at Olympia or HOYS and saw the Mojo stand. After discussion with Mojo staff, I bought a pink mojo wristband and put it on straight away. Around 4 weeks later I realised I hadn’t reached for the pain killers for a few days, the only thing I had changed was putting on the mojo band. Then some time later I spotted the mojo stand and they had a silver bangle one, which looked better for work, so I bought one. I can tell when the disks need replacing as I get niggles in my neck. Honestly I cannot believe I am saying this, they work so well for me, before my experience with mojo, I was the biggest cynic out! Why did I on that day decide to try mojo - I just thought £25 is worth a go!” - Karen - Health and Well-being, Equestrian
“I was reading the science behind the wrist bands etc and thought I might try. I suffer from fibromyalgia and menopause symptoms, and don't sleep very well. I work on rapid response for the NHS and have been struggling to do my job. Also my dachshund, Annie, hurt her neck and thought I might try your products for her too. After purchasing an Advanced wristband [with EF Technology] (the black and pink one), after the 2nd day of wearing it I had the first full night's sleep in so long and feel more positive in general. I suffer from acute pain and I’ve noticed my pain is more manageable. Also my dachshund has definitely improved in herself. Just recently one of my horses had injured a ligament and I thought of trying the mojo pastern wraps to see how we go with them. I’ve recommended to all my friends as some of them suffer from brain fog and concentration issues and work with laptops all day…” - Joanne - Health and Well-being, Equestrian, Horse, Dog
“The AV Edge wristbands have been a game-changer for me,” says Lara. “They’ve helped me stay more balanced and focused in the saddle, and I’ve seen an incredible difference in my horses’ performance too [with Mojo Horse Patches].” - Lara Edwards - International GP GB dressage rider, trainer, and breeder
“Hi, my husband has arthritis. Says the band [AV Edge Legend] is helping him. My granddaughter has anxiety and depression.” - Marilyn - Health and Well-being
“We met you at Badminton. Mum has bad balance so we bought her first bracelet. She has had two further [Mojo Wristbands] and a silver one which we had new discs in. She suddenly realised her balance was bad and when I checked her bracelet was 4 years old. So a new one was needed! She swears by them at 86.” - Anonymous2 - Health and Well-being
“I suffered from severe migraines all my life. I had tried all sorts of medications. Then in 2010 when I was 50 I watched a mojo [wristband] demo at a bike show. I suffered from migraines and rheumatic joints among other things. I bought my first mojo [wristband] and it changed my life, it stopped the migraines within hours. I buy a new one every year or two depending on wear. I wear it [mojo wristband] 24/7. I only take it off for posh nights out or to pop on a friend with a headache/migraine. I try to buy them at bike shows but also order online. I have bought them for friends and family, telling them if it doesn't make a difference give it back. That rarely happens. Some people say it's a placebo effect, I reply...I don't care.” - Carina - Health and Well-being
“I suffer from lower back pain and bought them [Mojo wristbands] at a motorbike show around 6 years ago, then I got the mojo silver bracelet and have the discs redone yearly. I also bought them [horse patches] for my horse who was very anxious and made such a big difference for him and calmed him down.” - Louise - Health and Well-being, Equestrian, and Horse
“I haven’t been out on the course yet with the weather being so bad but I’ve been on the range a couple of times. I was having trouble with back pain a little and this past week or two I’ve not seemed to have had it, don’t know if this is due to the band or not but I suppose I’ll see more next month when I’m out in Portugal competing. Looking forward to seeing the results in Portugal as that’s where we’ll get a true result when I’m playing regularly and in competitions.” - George Mason - Golf Pro
“For us, AV Edge has been a game-changer! Our horses are calmer, more focused, and perform better, while Thijs has experienced incredible improvements in his mobility and well-being” - Thijs and Lizzy, Ruitershop - Equestrian, Horses
“So I almost didn’t believe how bad it was but he does get sore legs mainly in the winter since we have had him. Obviously he’s built so badly and bred even worse, so his stubby legs and massive head are too much! So he’s been ok, weekend the storm hit so we stayed indoors mostly and took his collar off which he wears all day usually at work, and wow was there a difference, he ended up really looking and feeling sorry for himself after like two days of not having it on, Gav tried to touch him and he cried then went for Gav, which he would never do at all! He was noticeably uncomfortable even though he didn’t limp or anything, put the collar on and two days later he’s back to his usual dickhead self, never seen anything more undeniable! - American Bully Owner - Canine
“Originally what grabbed me was the energy/performance side but after speaking to you the balance part really interested me. I have a condition called CMT1a which affects peripheral nerves. My balance on my right foot is a bit wobbly due to losing a little feeling in my foot so when I do walking lunges for instance, I wobble when my right foot goes down. Interestingly I’ve just left my friend a voice note this morning, saying it’s much better and I think it’s down to the [AV Edge] band. Also yesterday and today I’ve had the most amazing energy, workouts were next level and I could have stayed much longer and trained all day 🤣 So if all this is [AV Edge] band related, then my goodness it’s awesome, expect a few more orders coming, as I will most definitely be telling all my friends. I’m 52 and a horse rider too, recently I was riding a new horse that started bucking a bit, nothing too crazy but I wasn’t unseated at all, so I feel it could be playing a part there too.” - Nat - Equestrian
“I've been back in the gym for a month or so now and trying to get back to some decent fitness so have been feeling better in myself and the band is more than likely contributing to that too! In regards to sleep, I've been pretty good so maybe a win there, guess it's hard to tell in all areas!!!!! I'm certainly not taking it off anytime soon, so will keep you posted on any updates!" - Chris Hanson - Golf Pro, Coach, Agent
“I originally found you through a friend's recommendation. I have a Dutch Warmblood who can be very spicy and gets stressed and worked up very easily. I was going for a hack with my friend and my horse had one of his moments - there was a new gate being installed in the yard (that he had gone through many times!) but something spooked him badly that day. He started backing up very quickly, hit my friends horse, reared up and spun around. He then trotted back up to the stables leaving me on the ground wondering what just happened! I didn't know where to start in terms of trying to help him deal with his tension and energy. My friend had bought a set of patches from you (at a show I believe?) and said they had helped his horse who was a bad traveller. He offered to lend me his but he never found them so I gave in and bought myself a set and they have lived on my bridle ever since! I hope my little story helps!“ - Mary - Horse
“Originally what grabbed me was the energy/performance side but after speaking to you the balance part really interested me. I have a condition called CMT1a which affects peripheral nerves. My balance on my right foot is a bit wobbly due to losing a little feeling in my foot so when I do walking lunges for instance, I wobble when my right foot goes down. Interestingly I’ve just left my friend a voice note this morning, saying it’s much better and I think it’s down to the [AV Edge] band. Also yesterday and today I’ve had the most amazing energy, workouts were next level and I could have stayed much longer and trained all day 🤣 So if all this is [AV Edge] band related, then my goodness it’s awesome, expect a few more orders coming, as I will most definitely be telling all my friends. I’m 52 and a horse rider too, recently I was riding a new horse that started bucking a bit, nothing too crazy but I wasn’t unseated at all, so I feel it could be playing a part there too.” - Nat - Equestrian
“I have for years suffered from ME / chronic fatigue. I tried lots of different things, from avoiding sugar and wheat and taking supplements. But nothing helped. Then I saw the mojo wristband on Facebook (I think) and found the improvement in energy levels amazing. I still have my off days, but not so often and don't last so long. I am a farmer and on a couple of occasions I have taken off my band to calf a cow. Forgot to put it back on, and felt rotten after a few hours. Band back on and within half an hour I have felt a lot better again.” - Anonymous - Health and Well-being
"I have a neurological condition following a spinal injury that affects my mobility and dexterity. Simon was at the Royal Welsh Agricultural Show about 12 years ago demonstrating the Mojo wristband and I bought one and tried it out. After literally staggering around on my crutches for the first 30 minutes of wearing it I felt more grounded and stronger. I have worn a wristband ever since!! I went through the staggering stage again when I put my new AV wristband on, but today my dexterity has improved and my balance is better. I have no idea really how and why the band works; being a clinical scientist I accept it might be a placebo effect. Quite honestly I don't care, my life is better without. My spinal injury was caused by a horse riding accident, and whilst my neurological side effects, e.g. foot drop, have improved over time my balance, dexterity and general well being has improved over the last 10 years. I am a better rider now than I have ever been and I have been competing for the first time in the last 5 years, and I feel fitter than ever. My spinal injury was 30 years ago, recovery has been slow and limited, but using the mojo wristband over the last 12 years has certainly improved my balance, dexterity and general well being.” - Maggie - Equestrian
"AV Edge Canine Patches have been truly life-changing for Meg, our 9-year-old border collie. After a severe accident left her with lasting mobility issues, we tried everything to ease her discomfort—expensive gadgets, therapies, and supplements—but nothing brought long-term relief. That all changed when we discovered the patches. Within days, Meg was back to her lively, playful self, keeping up with her two brothers and even our toddler on the farm! These patches have given her a new lease on life, and we can’t recommend them enough to other dog owners looking for natural, effective solutions." - Hattie - Canine
“I feel that wearing AV Edge products everyday has helped improve my energy levels in particular and if there is anything that can help with my competitive “edge” then I'm up for it! Every small, incremental improvement is well worth it!" - Gary Wolstenholme MBE - Golf Pro
“I first was introduced to MOJO Wristbands at the Martial Arts Show Live at the NEC Birmingham back in 2011. One of my team members purchased a wrist band and we went to town testing it out. We conducted balance, flexibility and strength tests blindfolded and the results were staggering, this thing really worked and you couldn't trick the mind, I was converted. I wear my AV Edge band because it helps me with my joints and muscle recovery, helping me to perform better whether it is on the Martial Arts mat, in front of the camera or on the stage.” - Joe Hallett - 5X World Martial Arts Champion, Actor, Producer and Stunt Man - Health and Well-being
"I first found out about Mojo bands when I was at Burghley Horse Trials about 5 years ago. My dad and I suffer from migraines, and we got speaking to the people on the stand, which is where I purchased my first band. Also with me riding horses and being shown how it helps with your balance I couldn’t wait to try the band out. It was fantastic so I then went on to purchase the horse patches as I had a pony at the time that was very sensitive, stressy and wasn’t the best balanced when travelling, but with the patches being on her when travelling it completely changed her; more balanced, no stress, completely chilled her out. Again, I was very impressed! I was also very kindly sent a pair of the pastern wraps because my pony was suffering with her sacroiliac joint and arthritis so we popped the pastern wraps on her 24/7, and they worked a treat; was very impressed with the results in her, I even managed to take her off her joint supplement and just keep the pastern wraps on. So from the start my collection has just kept growing. I absolutely love all your products, they really work.” - Hollie Hansed - Equestrian, Showjumping
At 62, Nigel King had been struggling with pain in his arms and back after years of competitive golf. His swing speed slowed, and despite trying various treatments, nothing seemed to fully relieve the discomfort or boost his energy levels—until he discovered the AV Edge wristband. Within days, he noticed improved energy, better sleep, and reduced pain. Now, Nigel considers the wristband a key part of his success, helping him and his team, Durham County Seniors, win back-to-back championships and prepare for the National Finals in Torquay. - Nigel King, Golf Senior
"Dressage rider Daisy Mansfield has relied on AV Edge wristbands for years to manage pain and fatigue from her demanding sport. 'If my wristband breaks or gets lost, the nagging back pain becomes constant. The moment I put it back on, the relief is like magic.' Daisy has seen the transformative effects of AV Edge not just for herself but also for her horses and aging dogs, all of whom benefited from the same EF Technology. For Daisy, AV Edge is more than a product—it’s a vital part of her journey in competitive dressage." - Daisy Mansfield - Equestrian, Dressage
“Well, I do have a story! Mine is related to some health issues after having my last child at 45. Seemed like I wasn't getting my energy back. Thought a chiropractor would help...then was told my thyroid seemed enlarged by a diff. chiro. I don't do regular doctor visits, so went the natural supplement route after muscle tested. It all helped some, but it felt like I was super sensitive to the power lines we lived near. The flu season took away what energy I had, any exertion took days to recover from. Adrenal fatigue was what it seemed like. My husband by now thought I was crazy, and we wound up separating. I believe he was partly to blame, as I felt my health was affected by his narcissistic abuse. Ultimately, I needed to work to support myself, and through doing research on EMFs and finding a video showing how athletes and others were helped with MOJO, I quickly ordered. My 27 yo daughter lives with me and also has found wearing the band helps. Now we both want the new ones but no one in the US has em. Absolutely! You may add that we find these bands give us an incredible edge of energy and strength to do a days' work.” - Kim - Health and Well-being
"After years of debilitating pain and restricted mobility from a serious riding accident, I thought my active days were over. I tried countless treatments, but nothing worked—until I discovered the AV Edge wristband. Within two weeks, I could run again, and the pain began to ease. These wristbands have transformed my life, reigniting my passion for dressage and coaching. For anyone over 45 struggling with pain, I can’t recommend them enough—they’ve truly been life-changing." - Alex Gingell - Equestrian, Dressage
“I love your wristbands and think they’re brilliant, I’m a firm believer that they played a big part in getting me back racing after a bad fall and bleeds on the brain etc. I’ll see what I can come up with and I’ll be back to you soon. I got my first one at the ploughing match in Wexford about 6/7 years ago. I was an amateur jockey and riding a lot of point to points, I was fighting out the ladies championship at the end of the season and was riding a 5yo and came to the last, he’d been jumping brilliant but must’ve had a mental block and forgot how to jump and it was lights out. I was air lifted to cork hospital where I spent a week and then I got home and started the long road back and it was 3rd time lucky when I passed my concussion test and got my licence back, i put a lot of that recovery down to the wristband as doctors were amazed how I was improving the whole time. I then got another fall about 2 1/2 years ago and got another brain injury and that was the end of that, they wouldn’t let me race again as if it happened again I mightn’t be so lucky but thankfully before I got my last fall I had broken and gotten the all time record for lady riders point to pointing in Ireland with 116 wins so that’ll do me 😉😅“ - Liz - Equestrian
“I was really struggling with pain in my wrist at work carrying boxes and also confidence with my balance whilst riding my horses. I came across an article on the wristbands that eventers were using to help in this area. I don’t like the bracelets as they get caught on everything so I read reviews and decided to order one and see for myself. I loved it. It was comfy to wear and within a few days noticed a big difference to the pain in my wrist. I cant say I noticed a difference in my balance as we were in Lockdown and I was riding a lot more so my balance could have improved because of that but I definitely was less wobbly. The first wristband lasted at least 18 months and ordered another one.” - Georgina - Equestrian
“I have ridden horses for many years and love the benefits AV has to offer for every aspect of riding. It gives me confidence in my ability and ensures I am performing to my very best 100% of the time!” - Autum - Equestrian
Discover Our Products with EF Technology
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Products with EF Technology
Wristbands with EF Technology
AV Edge Wristbands with EF Technology are designed to help protect people...
Equine & Canine Products
At AV Edge, we recognise the deep bond you share with your...
EMF Protect Filters
AV Edge Protect Filters are designed to safeguard your well-being in our...
Who We Are and How Our Products Work
At AV Edge, we enhance health and well-being through innovative EF Technology, focusing on the Energy Field (EF), an essential biofield that supports overall vitality. Our products, such as wristbands and protect filters for humans, and patches and wraps for horses and dogs, utilise advanced frequency modulation to positively interact with the EF. While EMFs from devices can disrupt this energy field, our technology uses beneficial frequencies to improve energy, reduce stress, and enhance performance. Customers often report significant wellness improvements, including increased energy levels, better sleep, and overall well-being. Here's how our products work and the benefits they bring
Edge Insights
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Managing Canine Anxiety Naturally
Compare traditional anxiety treatments with the natural, non-invasive MOJO Classic Dog Patch. Discover long-term anxiety relief for your dog.
Managing Canine Anxiety Naturally
Compare traditional anxiety treatments with the natural, non-invasive MOJO Classic Dog Patch. Discover long-term anxiety relief for your dog.
Overcome the Emotional Strain of Riding Competi...
Learn how to stay calm and focused under pressure with AV Edge wristbands. Discover how our products help equestrians overcome the stress of competitions.
Overcome the Emotional Strain of Riding Competi...
Learn how to stay calm and focused under pressure with AV Edge wristbands. Discover how our products help equestrians overcome the stress of competitions.
How to Fit Mojo Horse Patches with Lara Edwards
Learn how to correctly fit MOJO Classic Horse Patches with expert equestrian Lara Edwards. Watch our videos for easy headcollar & bridle placement tips for optimal equine balance and well-being.
How to Fit Mojo Horse Patches with Lara Edwards
Learn how to correctly fit MOJO Classic Horse Patches with expert equestrian Lara Edwards. Watch our videos for easy headcollar & bridle placement tips for optimal equine balance and well-being.
Relieve Hip Pain and Reclaim Your Swing
Learn how golfers can effectively manage hip pain, improve swing mechanics, and reclaim confidence on the course with AV Edge's innovative solutions.
Relieve Hip Pain and Reclaim Your Swing
Learn how golfers can effectively manage hip pain, improve swing mechanics, and reclaim confidence on the course with AV Edge's innovative solutions.