The AV Edge Balance Test

The Balance Test is a simple and fun way to experience one of the potential effects of our EF Technology (not magnets). While this test is not backed by science, it has been used at thousands of events we’ve attended over the past 15 years, where many customers and visitors have reported feeling a difference instantly. We know that everyone is different, so results can vary, but this test has always been an excellent way to introduce people to our technology and start a conversation about the potential effects of EMFs: In fact, concerns about EMFs are recognized at an international level—the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B) (read more at WHO).

Here, we’ll show you how to do the Balance Test, whether you’re trying an AV Edge wristband for the first time, demonstrating it to family and friends, or just curious about how thousands of our customers have described their experience.

You can do this test in any order—first without a band, then with a band (or vice versa). Try it yourself and see if you feel a difference!


Step 1: How to Do the “Balance Test”


1. The person being tested:

Feet together,
Stand up straight,
Arms out (like a cross).

2. Now, test their resistance while they keep both feet on the ground:

Put your hand on the top of one of their wrists (your hand must go on their wrist so you cannot manipulate the test).

Say that you are going to push down on their wrist and they should resist you (while they stand up straight / arms out).

Then push down while they resist.

Replicate this approach during the test.

3. Next, test their balance:

Ask them to lift their foot off the ground (same side as the wrist you will push).

Ask “Do you have your balance?”

Once they are balanced, push down on their wrist while they stand up straight and keep their arms out like a cross, and try to resist you.

Naturally, they will come off balance and put their foot down.

4. Now, repeat the test with the AV Edge wristband:

Ask them to hold an AV Edge wristband in their other hand.

And repeat the test [feet together, stand up straight and arms out like a cross, lift up the same leg, ask “do you have your balance”, push down on their wrist]

They should be able to easily resist you with the AV Edge wristband.

Eventually, they will need to put their foot down.


Step 2: Explaining “How” the Technology Works

After doing the balance test you probably will be curious "how" the technology (not magnets) works so here is the introduction.

The super quick intro: Our products help to protect people, horses, and dogs from EMFs.

Just like a mobile phone can wipe a hotel key card, the electricity all around us may negatively affect the way our bodies function.

This is because everything electrical has its own energy field that's full of frequencies. And, just like ringing one tuning fork can start another tuning fork ringing (through “resonance”), the frequencies from WiFi and mobile phones and laptops and tablets and electrical cables and electrical lights... can “resonate” with our bodies because we use electrical signals to send messages to and from our brains.

Because we are electrical, we have our own energy field; such as the Electromagnetic field (EMF) from our hearts. And this is how our EF Technology works.

The EF Technology discs in our products have frequencies printed on them (just like music printed on a CD or a film printed on a DVD).

Our energy field powers the frequencies in our discs to help recalibrate the way we function. So we function the way nature intended.

This is why our products may help to improve performance, such as being better at swinging a golf club or riding a horse, or improving our balance and stability; as well as potentially improving our balance, energy, and sleep, and helping to give relief from aches and pains and many other ailments and conditions.

The performance benefits are usually instant (e.g. when we do a 30-second balance test most people instantly feel a benefit). Health and well-being benefits can take longer (up to 4-weeks), can be different for different people, not guaranteed for everybody but many people do 'feel' a difference (e.g. I live an extremely healthy lifestyle so I don't feel like I have anything to 'fix', but after a year of trying to improve my sleep it was our band that got me back to deep/rested sleep).

What I love is that we also have products for horses and dogs where there is no placebo. In the equine industry there's a thing called Spooky Corner where horses spook in a certain area of an arena, normally where there is more lighting or electricity, or outside near electricity pylons, which is why our horse patches often help with spooking and to improve behaviour. We even had our horse patches banned in British horse racing. Same for dogs, lots of our customers put a dog patch on their older dogs and say it's like their dog is a puppy again.

Plus, our wristbands are used by elite equestrians, such as William Fox-Pitt, Pro golfers, Martial Arts world champs, and many more...

And what I find amazing is that the people with more acute ailments will use up the frequencies in the discs faster, such as Vicki Hoban, a Paralympic horse rider, finds that here discs need replacing every 6 months whereas our customers who don't have an acute ailment typically need to replace their wristbands approximately every 12 months.

The "Who Uses AV Edge" page of our website is the best place to check who uses our products, e.g. William Fox-Pitt (plus, we're in the process of sponsoring a lot of well-known players in golf to help us grow in this market), an introduction to the Dr Mark Bull PhD study (re performance), and links to Hub pages (re potential health and well-being benefits).

The Dr Mark Bull PhD golf study proved the potential performance benefits of our wristbands. And feedback from many of our 20k customers shows that others may also feel similar health and well-being benefits (reducing the effects of ailments, aches and pains, improved energy, and improved sleep etc.).


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